Sunday, August 27, 2023


26-27 August 2023
Wang Kelian to Ban Pakbara
Total distance: 167 km

All our lives, we've been told to learn to let go. But by the time you reach your 40s, you'll realise that letting go is actually easy, then holding onto something. When we don't like doing something, we come up with excuse, but if you pause and think, most of excuses are bogus.

It's never to late to find love. It doesn't mean you need another person to fall in love with. You can find love in various things like music, gardening, and yes cycling... Maintain a healthy lifestyle, surround yourself with people you love, and do things that bring you joy. Embrace your age gracefully, they say.. the 40s are the new 30s. . I guess I can't say so to Bro Zoraimi... Since he's 50s. Huhu.

You don't really need a thousand of friends, it doesn't matter how old your friendship is, but if there's trust and comfort, you cherish and respect it. Share opinions and ideas.

TQ for reading. I just feel bored writing about how cool and sempoi our cycling adventures were. So I tried to look macho by writing this faking-smart-ass post.

Drummer & guitarist of Minefield Torment, Rikk Torik Pakbara (real name), his great-great-grandfather was Indonesian and was from Atjeh (possibly) and he carried that surname as reminder that they're the one who sailed and founded this ancestral domain.

Thanks to Pitri, Sakinah, Zoraimi, Badril, Nunu, Napie (for t-shirt) for all the good time we had across the ghetto of kratom and marijuana.



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